Habits that might cause stress - Liberty College Nepal
 Anjali Basnet | BHM 3th Semester

Stress is not something that appears out of nowhere. If you are in a stressful situation, chances are, you were involved in some series of activities that eventually lead you to the very stressful situation you are right now. You don’t want to make those series of activities develop into a habit, do you? If that happens then stress will become a part of your daily life just like your habit.

You might find many tips and tricks online to control and reduce your stress. “Do this for five minutes and say bye to your stress” “Do this to instantly release your stress.” Some of these tricks work fine. However these are not a long term solutions for every sort of stress you feel. If you keep involving yourself in the activities that eventually causes you the stress then you will forever be trapped in a loop of stressing and distressing. So why don’t we do something about our daily day habits that causes us the stress.

While you analyse your daily day habits let us help you by providing some list of habits that causes stress.

Time management: Do you guys make plans for the day? The only requirement is that you keep track of the time and your daily activities—a fancy, flashy journal or time plan isn't necessary. If you don't, you might find yourself juggling important tasks with less important ones, which increases the likelihood that you'll spend more time enjoying yourself (which is important too) than working on tasks that must be completed and, ultimately, will cause you stress.

Procrastination: Do you have a habit of avoiding and keeping aside certain task you said you would do and you know you should do but couldn’t help scrolling your day away on social media, watching TV or doing something else? This piles up works and huge numbers of deadlines lead you to stressful situation.

Perfectionism: Do you often find yourself working on something for an excessive amount of time to make it perfect but yet not feeling content with the results? As you eventually fall short of your own lofty expectations, striving for perfection in everything can lead to stress. 

Lack of exercise: Like a machine, the human body needs to be kept active in order to be in good working order. It can begin to malfunction if left inactive for an extended period of time. In addition to the apparent physical health problems, it can result in hormonal imbalances, increased muscle tension, and poor sleep, all of which contribute to high levels of stress.

Overthinking: Do you often think about fake scenarios and things that are not even worth thinking about? If you do then you might also find yourself dwelling on negative thoughts and emotions. You can trap yourself in “what if” loops. What if this happens, what if that happens, this is how we create problems that’s not even there. This sort of habits activate the body’s stress response.

Poor diet: Even though it's difficult to acknowledge, the food we eat each day has a significant impact on our mental health. To keep our bodies healthy, we must give them the required nutrients on a daily basis. Along with the obvious negative effects on your physical health, a bad diet can also affect your hormone levels, blood sugar levels, and other factors vital to maintaining good mental health. If you often consume high salt foods, coffee, wine, caffeine, highly processed foods, and sugary foods and drinks. We need to cut back on those.

These are some of the habits out of many that are found to be causing stress in today’s generation. Here you can notice we only talked about the causes of the stress. It is because every best solutions begin with careful identification of the problems. If we know the causes of the problems we can then work our way to develop solutions that suit us rather following every solution found on the internet.